Vampire babies. You hate 'em, right? I hate 'em myself.
Recently two of my favorite vampire series added a vampire child into the plot line. While some readers may enjoy this type of development, this chick finds it extremely disappointing. I read paranormal fiction for the great escape it provides. I want to get lost in a world where vampires are brutal, ruthless, and sexy; even if it 's for only three-hundred pages. What I don't want is a cold dose of reality wherein the vampires become parents.
One of my favorite literary couples welcomed a little bundle of teeth and it bummed me out so bad I can't stop thinking... okay, obsessing about it. It was the end of the series, their final hurrah, and this plot development killed it. When a series ends, I like to think that even though I may not be reading about a character's adventures any longer, the danger and shenanigans still continue. This couple was passionate, madly in love with each other, and had sex whenever and wherever the mood struck. That's how I wanted to remember them. Instead, I'm picturing them wiping snotty noses and helping with homework.
Recently two of my favorite vampire series added a vampire child into the plot line. While some readers may enjoy this type of development, this chick finds it extremely disappointing. I read paranormal fiction for the great escape it provides. I want to get lost in a world where vampires are brutal, ruthless, and sexy; even if it 's for only three-hundred pages. What I don't want is a cold dose of reality wherein the vampires become parents.
One of my favorite literary couples welcomed a little bundle of teeth and it bummed me out so bad I can't stop thinking... okay, obsessing about it. It was the end of the series, their final hurrah, and this plot development killed it. When a series ends, I like to think that even though I may not be reading about a character's adventures any longer, the danger and shenanigans still continue. This couple was passionate, madly in love with each other, and had sex whenever and wherever the mood struck. That's how I wanted to remember them. Instead, I'm picturing them wiping snotty noses and helping with homework.